all right. so our trip started with a cruise to Stockholm because someone apparently dumb has decided that a cruise back and forth is cheaper than a one-way ticket. anyway our trip almost relapsed at the cruise's check-in when we're told that we can't go to the cruise without 30-year-old guardian, whaaaat? okay i had heard about it but i had totally forgot it this time. luckily management was in a good mood and they let us go.
in Stockholm we filled our backpacks with food from morning buffet and had a hard time finding a train station. While we're wandering in a city we saw when swedish polices stopped whole traffic for like 15 mins and then some agent-looking-men came with their cool black cars, that was cool. At the evening ( after eating super cheap but delish pizzas ) we hopped to the ferry at Trelleborg and headed to Rostock.
at Rostock harbour we decided to save 3€ and walk to the train station, which wasn't so clever cause we had to walk 10km and we got lost. yet we found a cool abandoned railway engine so it wasn't so bad.
in some amount of time we got to the Berlin.
and what can i say, Berlin was all about ah-mazing street art, endless U-bahn rides where you could see the whole city, night in a train station, best streetfood in europe, clean hostels, protests, talented street performers, good food oh i mentioned that already but seriously if you are an vegetarian you will get me when you go to Berlin.
Berlin is definitely kinda city i wanna visit more than just two days.
if you have any questions about interrail, travelling, trains, payments, backpacking or aaanything I'm happy to help you :--)
x roosa
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